Sulbutiamine: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects

Sulbutiamine is a synthetic nootropic known for boosting both physical and mental energy.

Sulbutiamine: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects

Sulbutiamine is a common nootropic used by athletes, students, and hard-working individuals. Some use it before working out, while others use it for mental productivity.

It is a unique supplement because of its impact on thiamine levels. Some claim that it even has mild stimulant effects that can help with fatigue.

The combination of these properties means it may help you power through brain fog or enhance your cognition.

But how do you know if it is the right choice for you? Let’s look at what sulbutiamine is and how it works before checking out the health benefits.

Best sulbutiamine

PureRawz Sulbutiamine

Sulbutiamine from PureRawz is recognized quality for effectiveness. It provides energy, improves athletic performance and recovery while also helping with focus. 

Check the best price


    What is Sulbutiamine?

    Sulbutiamine is a synthetic version of thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1. It was created by researchers in Japan who bonded two B1 molecules together.

    Our body does not naturally produce Vitamin B1 on its own, and thiamine deficiency can cause a central nervous system disorder called Beriberi.

    The brand names of sulbutiamine include Arcalion, Enerion, and Bisibuthiamine.

    The compound is an ingredient used as a nootropic supplement for memory, energy, mood, and brain health.

    Since sulbutiamine crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is more efficient than regular thiamine and can boost brain health and cognition.

    How Does Sulbutiamine Work In The Brain?

    Sulbutiamine works in the human brain in a few different ways. The first way is related to thiamine. Usually, we have to obtain Vitamin B1 from a natural food source like beef, legumes, milk, oranges, wheat, or rice.

    However, regular Vitamin B1 molecules do not readily cross the blood-brain barrier, even when they are in the form of thiamine supplements.

    The synthetic sulbutiamine is fat-soluble, which causes it to pass through the blood-brain barrier and assists with thiamine production.

    When this process occurs, sulbutiamine increases levels of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), which is involved in the citric acid cycle in the brain, which breaks fatty acids and amino acids into smaller molecules.

    This allows it to work even better for thiamine supplementation than thiamine derivatives like isobutyryl thiamine disulfide and thiamine triphosphate.

    This bioavailability in the brain helps to combat the negative health issues associated with thiamine deficiency. Low levels of thiamine can impact your overall mental and brain health and impact the body.

    Sulbutiamine is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, which means it also helps to increase the production of enzymes that help produce more of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

    This allows neurons, neurotransmitters, and brain cells to create new signals and necessary connections for proper brain function.

    What Are The Health Benefits of Sulbutiamine?

    These mechanisms of action can produce a wide range of different health benefits.

    Taking sulbutiamine can help people with physical energy and mental health. But there are other benefits as well.

    Let’s check out the primary effects of sulbutiamine.

    Improves Mood

    Sulbutiamine can put you in an optimistic, energetic mood. While this effect is often subtle, it can help to bring you out of a slump.

    People use sulbutiamine to stay functioning when they are naturally down or unmotivated, and some even say that it can provide euphoria (1).

    The boost in mood can be beneficial to your motivation and confidence.

    Some research suggests that the impact on mood could be related to dopamine levels and many users report feeling improvements in mental, emotional, and physical mood after they take sulbutiamine.

    The boost in mood is likely related to many other features of sulbutiamine. It may help you speak with others and enjoy social activities as a positive mood may also help reduce social inhibitions without having an intoxicating effect on the mind.

    Enhances Memory and Focus

    The effect of sulbutiamine on acetylcholine levels could impact memory because low choline activity is associated with poor memory. By boosting choline uptake, sulbutiamine can help with memory improvement.

    Sulbutiamine improves memory so much that it may even help those suffering from memory loss related to Alzheimer’s disease.

    Other research suggests that this nootropic can help long-term memory formation in mice and other human studies seem to show evidence for similar conclusions (2).

    One study found that chronic treatment with sulbutiamine improved memory formation and memory retention in an object recognition task.

    The effect on memory may be related to the nootropic’s impact on concentration and attention.

    When we focus, we categorize and recall information meaningfully that allows us to access it later. Finally, when we can remember things easier, we can work faster and perform better in various tasks.

    Protects The Brain

    Sulbutiamine can help prolong or even prevent brain cell death and increase the lifespan of those deprived of essential nutrients.

    This protects the brain from age-related decline and helps with overall brain function (3).

    The neuroprotective qualities of sulbutiamine supplements likely contribute to many other benefits and cognitive optimization.

    Evidence suggests that sulbutiamine also has antioxidant properties that can prevent premature brain cell death and protect against oxidative stress.

    Researchers are looking into the use of sulbutiamine as an effective tool for fighting neurodegenerative disorders.

    Scientists are excited about the possibility of using sulbutiamine supplements, like Arcalion or the drug Enerion, in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other forms of dementia.

    Reduces Chronic Fatigue and Weakness

    For those suffering from chronic fatigue, sulbutiamine may seem like a lifesaver. Even though there is insufficient evidence to claim that sulbutiamine is a stimulant that can help with fatigue, the research is promising with beneficial results.

    Taking sulbutiamine may be better than drinking coffee for increasing focus and improving performance by battling through symptoms of fatigue.

    The effects of sulbutiamine on fatigue are not limited to mental energy but may help fight feelings of physical tiredness.

    Supplements containing sulbutiamine may be a great way to get out of bed in the morning when you feel exhausted.

    This can keep you productive and functional when you feel drained or unable to perform things accurately. This is even true of fatigue caused by mental health conditions or multiple sclerosis (4).

    Helps With Anxiety and Depression

    This feature of the supplement may be significant enough to help with depression and other emotional conditions.

    Studies show that it can even help you focus and keep you functioning better during emotional stress or grief.

    A randomized, double-blind study found that thiamine is necessary for improved mood regulation, primarily when the negative emotions are related to anxiety or depression (5).

    Thiamine is also crucial for the way the human body responds to stress, and the effects of sulbutiamine may help improve overall health.

    Clinical trials suggest that it may reduce symptoms of anxiety and bipolar disorder and contribute to an improved mood.

    Anxiety can often distract us from the ability to work or study, which can harm our ability to perform productively.

    The effectiveness of sulbutiamine may help us manage our emotions and prevent mood swings that can affect our daily function.

    Boosts Physical Energy and Athletic Performance

    Athletes often take sulbutiamine before they workout or participate in sports because of the energy boost that it can provide. These effects on the body are mildly stimulating and probably related to reducing fatigue associated with sulbutiamine.

    Furthermore, research shows Vitamin B1 deficiency may contribute to reduced stamina and endurance (6).

    A sulbutiamine supplement may help to combat physical weakness and to improve athletic results.

    The energy that sulbutiamine provides can motivate you to continue to workout.

    This builds a natural cycle of regular exercise that can also boost mental and physical health and performance. Many people find sulbutiamine is just the thing they needed to get out of an unhealthy routine.

    Treats Erectile Dysfunction

    Sulbutiamine studies have found that it can help with erectile dysfunction related to psychological issues.

    While the study was small, it found that the improvements were substantial and that sulbutiamine helped men maintain an erection when they could not do so without the treatments (7).

    Also, thiamine deficiency has been tied to higher rates of erectile dysfunction condition.

    Since sulbutiamine is fat-soluble, it may be an excellent way to ease ED symptoms without the use of prescription drugs that may cause side effects.

    One aspect that the study did not consider was the effect that sulbutiamine has on energy, which may also help men perform in the bedroom.

    Since sulbutiamine may be a mild nervous system stimulant, it may help to improve a sexual experience by increasing stamina.

    Fights Infection

    One study found that sulbutiamine could play a role as an anti-infective treatment option for those suffering from asthenia.

    This is likely because infections are one of the most common symptoms associated with thiamine deficiency.

    An analysis and review of these conclusions have found that sulbutiamine could help with infection symptoms like fatigue and poor muscle function (8).

    These uses of sulbutiamine certainly need to be examined more, but it may be more beneficial than a supplement containing thiamine or a thiamine derivative. This is especially true when combined with other anti-infective medications.

    People have suggested that the antioxidant features may be partially responsible for these effects.

    These effects may also be associated with the benefits of sulbutiamine for indigestion and the improvement of nerve damage caused by diabetes (9).

    How To Take Sulbutiamine

    Sulbutiamine works best with oral ingestion, and the most common form is sulbutiamine capsules. It is also available as a tablet or a powder.

    We recommend drinking a good amount of water when taking sulbutiamine, and you may want to consider bringing it with food or just after food intake.

    You may want to avoid dosing sulbutiamine too late in the day because it can interfere with your sleep patterns and can contribute to insomnia.

    If you find that you do not sleep, even when taking it early in the day, try to decrease the amounts until your bedtime condition improves gradually.

    Tolerance can also become an issue with daily use, and you may find that the results are better when you cycle the sulbutiamine treatment on and off.

    To reduce the risk of tolerance and increase efficacy, we recommend taking two consecutive days off without consuming sulbutiamine ingredients.


    Research results have concluded that the minimum dose required for adults to attain memory and anti-fatigue effects is 200 mg daily.

    However, different dosage recommendations depend on the uses, desired outcome, the reason for use, and other factors.

    Typically, doses range from 400 mg to 1000 mg per day. With high doses, it is best to split the consumption.

    For example, you would take sulbutiamine 400-600 mg in the morning and again during the early afternoon.

    How Long Does Sulbutiamine Take To Work?

    After ingestion, sulbutiamine moves through the digestion system quickly, and people report feeling the effects of 400 mg doses within one or two hours after taking a capsule.

    Scientists have found that the half-life of sulbutiamine dosage is 5 hours, so your energy levels should help you battle fatigue for a while.

    Studies suggest it may take longer if you already suffer from Vitamin B or thiamine deficiency.

    This is because the level of thiamine will be gradually increased in fats until our bodies can adequately use the molecule.

    Does Sulbutiamine Have Side Effects?

    While sulbutiamine has many potentials and is rarely a safety risk, there are some side effects to be aware of.

    In addition, it has been added to the ingredient advisory list by the FDA so that they can further examine it.

    It is a synthetic chemical, and some have even suggested that it may be addictive for some people and may even cause feelings of euphoria.

    The most common sulbutiamine side effects include headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. Other possible side effects include skin rashes and outbreaks, sudden mood changes, and sleep disturbances.

    Some people found sulbutiamine made them tired instead of having a positive effect on their fatigue.

    We suggest starting with a small dosage amount to reduce the risk of developing side effects.


    Sulbutiamine may be a beneficial nootropic for increasing your energy level and reducing both mental and physical fatigue.

    Sulbutiamine is often added to nootropic stacks to boost the memory-enhancing benefits as well.

    It may even play a positive role in improving your mood and can help you prevent brain fog during the afternoon slump.

    Whether you want to enhance your workout, increase your motivation, or boost your productivity, this supplement may help you out.

    Best sulbutiamine choice

    PureRawz Sulbutiamine

    The sulbutiamine from PureRawz is a fantastic choice for those who lack motivation and focus. It can boost your mood, eliminate brain fog, and provide a nice boost to your energy levels.

    Check the best price


    Is Sulbutiamine a stimulant?

    Sulbutiamine is a mild stimulant and can boost energy levels and increase focus.

    Can you take Sulbutiamine everyday?

    While it is usually safe to take sulbutiamine every day, it can lead to tolerance and increased risk of side effects.

    Does Sulbutiamine affect dopamine?

    Sulbutiamine has been shown to increase the density of dopamine binding sites and systems but works differently than traditional dopamine-boosting compounds.